Creative Explorations, ages older 3’s – 5 years (Wed. Session 1: SEPT)

CREATIVE EXPLORATIONS: WEDNESDAYS, SESSION 1 (SEPT) Ages: older 3’s - 5 years Day/Time: Wednesdays OR Thursdays, 9:15 – 10:00 am (Sign up for the day that suits you best!) Cost: $60 for each 4 week session below.  WEDNESDAYS Session 1: September 4 – 25 Session 2: October 2 – 23 Session 3: October 30 – […]


Creative Explorations, ages older 3’s – 5 years (Thurs. Session 1: SEPT)

CREATIVE EXPLORATIONS: THURSDAYS, SESSION 1 (SEPT) Ages: older 3’s - 5 years Day/Time: Wednesdays OR Thursdays, 9:15 – 10:00 am (Sign up for the day that suits you best!) Cost: $60 for each 4 week session below.  WEDNESDAYS Session 1: September 4 – 25 Session 2: October 2 – 23 Session 3: October 30 – […]



LOCATED IN SWEENEY GALLERY (3RD FLOOR)   Angie Huffman I try to render scenes from generally unremarkable life events that bring me joy when I first see them. Though mundane, they reach out with a harmonious balance of composition and color. Quiet and wordless, they imply a visual narrative and ask for further consideration. Transporting […]

Surface Works PETE GOCHE

LOCATED IN THE COMMUNITY GALLERY (1st FLOOR/STREET LEVEL) Artist Statement Using site-adjusted installations as my primary mode of practice, I deploy an integrated and focused approach to both theoretical and practical questions pertaining to the nature and impact of materiality specific to the re-occupation of post-industrial spaces. My works provoke a temporal-spatial encounter that reconciles […]

Wheelthrowing: Ceramic Bowls and Mugs, ages 16+ (SEPT/OCT)

Wheelthrowing: Ceramic Bowls and Mugs Ages: 16 years old and up Time/Day: Tuesdays, 6 – 9 pm Dates: (6 weeks) September 17 – October 22 Cost: $165 includes 25lbs. of clay, all glazes and firing. Description: Students at all skill levels will learn, review and hone wheel throwing techniques from wedging to glazing. Students will […]


Very Silly Monster Creative Adventure, ages 5 – 8 (SEPT)

Very Silly Monster Creative Adventure Ages: 5 – 8 years old Day/Date/Time: Wednesday, September 18, 4 – 5:30 pm Cost: $40 Description: Join children's author and Illustrator Tim Read as he embarks on a Very Silly Creative Adventure. Students will learn how to draw Very Silly Monsters, make puppets, bookmarks, mini books, and more! Instructor: Tim […]


Intermediate Oil Painting, ages 16+ (SEPT/OCT, 4 weeks)

Intermediate Oil Painting Ages: 16 years old and up Day / Date / Time: Mondays, September 23 – October 14(4 weeks), 6 – 9 pm Cost: $140 Description: Suitable for beginning/intermediate experienced painters who would like to dive deeper and paint with others. This 4 - week intensive class will include work done in the […]



LOCATED IN THE SMALL WALL GALLERY Artist Statement I first fell in love with the prairie when studying art at UNI. Wandering the twisting paths of the restored prairie calmed my mind. As I drank in grasshopper droning, late summer’s scent of grass, the pollen, the leaves, and the many colors, I felt grounded and […]

Comic Book Class, ages 8-13 (SEPT/OCT)

Comic Book Class Ages: 8-13 years old Day/Time: Saturdays, 9 – 10:30 am Dates: September 28 – October 12 (3 weeks) Cost: $70 Description: Learn the basics of what it takes to create your very own comic book. Students will learn basic layout and design, Story structure, and how to create effective dialogue.  Instructor: Tim […]


Exploring Art, ages: 18 months – younger 3’s (Session 2: OCT)

Octagon Center for the Arts 427 Douglas Avenue, Ames, IA, United States

EXPLORING ART: SESSION 2 (OCT) Ages: 18 months – younger 3’s Day/Time: Tuesdays, 9:15 - 10am Cost: $60 for each 4 week session below.  Session 1 (SEPT): September 3 – 24  Session 2 (OCT): October 1 – 22  Session 3 (NOV): October 29 – November 19  Session 4 (DEC): November 26 – December 17 THIS […]
