Field Notes DANIELLE CLOUSE GAST May 11 - July 28, 2018 MAIN GALLERY Growing up and living in Northwest Iowa, routes to and from different towns have been memorized and have only seemed to slightly change over the years. The landscape has become the welcome constant in my daily life when driving place to place. […]
Based on a True Story ALEX BRAIDWOOD May 18 - August 11, 2018 SWEENEY GALLERY Sound is an important aspect of the world around us. It tells a great deal about our surroundings when we take the time to listen. Listening requires time to experience because sound requires time to exist. In today’s fast-paced culture, […]
Grilling Ice LEE RAINBOTH July 6 - August 11, 2018 COMMUNITY GALLERY This exhibit examines the ways that matters of mortality and masculinity manifest themselves in a contemporary Haitian context. Too often for young men in Haiti the way that they express their masculinity becomes a matter of survival itself. In an environment where simply […]